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We released another Cadillac single 'Wilder Than This', a Lost Revue mini-album 'Orphans and Vandals', and the debut single by At The Lake 'These Days'. All reviews of these records can be found in the reviews section.<br><p><strong> 19th November 2005<br></strong>Cadillac's 'Magnetic City' got a great review in the rock bible Kerrang. The review has been posted online. The band will be releasing a new single 'Wilder Than This' on January 30.<br>The Lost Revue return from recording hibernation and unleash a seven-track mini-album, 'Orphans and Vandals'. Released on January 30, it can be bought on the site here as of now. The Lost Revue have their onw updated website with downloads and a lovely forum, www.thelostrevue.com.<br>At The Lake are a new London based five-piece, and release their debut single CD 'These Days' on December 12th. Already heard on XFM London and BBC6 Music, 'These Days' is a great debut and can be heard at the band's myspace page, www.myspace.com/atthelake<br>Finally, Popfiction catalogue, well the first Lost Revue 7-inch, is now available for download from Karma Download for 89p per track. www.karmadownload.com<br><p><strong>3rd October 2005<br></strong> Cadillac single 'Locomotive' and album 'Magnetic City' are available to buy from the merchandise page, as well as all good retail outlets and Amazon. 'Magnetic City' is released on October 17th, and has already recieved BBC Radio UK play via Zane Lowe at Radio 1 and Bruce Dickinson at 6Music. Reviews have been added to the review page. Tour dates to be announced soon.<br><p><strong>11th August 2005<br></strong> Visit www.myspace.com/popfictionrecords You can listen to some songs by Costar, Cadillac and Ox.<br><p><strong>8th August 2005<br></strong> Norwegian rockers, Cadillac, release their debut UK single 'Locomotive' on August 22. A CD only two-tracker, it has already been receiving play from Zane Lowe at Radio 1 and rock legend, Bruce Dickinson at BBC 6Music. The track is taken from their soon to be released UK album 'Magnetic City'<br>Cadillac will be visiting London for a short promo tour, which will also include three shows:<br> Aug 16th London Oxford Street Metro<br>Aug 17th London Brixton Windmill<br>Aug 18th London Islington Hope and Anchor. Some early reviews of the album have been aded to the reviews page.<br> Ox's album 'Dustbowl Ballads' has picked up a few more reviews and a two-page interview in Maverick Magazine is now currently available in shops.<br><p><strong>25th May 2005 <br></strong>It has been a long while since the news was updated. Now we are back in business with news galore. Beginning with a new addition to the Popfiction roster. Canadian collective, Ox, release 'Dustbowl Ballads' on June 13th.<br>Reviews have already come in for the album which you can viewed on the reviews page. The band are currently on a Irish tour and bring their alternative country to London Borderline on May 31st. The new issue of Maverick magazine, will carry an interview with the band. Biog and mp3s will be added to the site soon.<br>Costar have been busy writing and recording their second album in Bergen, Norway. 10 songs have been recorded so far, with another two to be nailed down. In the meantime, we will be-reissuing 'Falling At My Feet' as a limited single with new b-sides. A fantastic video has been made to accompany the track. The video can be viewed at www.costarmusic.com<br>Ben Gunstone had some great reviews of his album, and he is currently recording his new album. Have heard some tracks and they sound fantastic. More news on this when we get it.<br>The Lost Revue have just completed recording four tracks for a new EP, to be scheduled for a September release. Their live show has been picking up the pace, and they have been picking up fans at every gig. They play in London on the 29th May at Upstairs @ The Garage<br> Finally, Popfiction will be releasing the third, but first outside of Scandinavia, album by alternative rock outfit, Cadillac. If you have been listening to the Zane Lowe show on BBC Radio 1, you will know that he has been playing the track 'Top Of My Guarantees' over the past few weeks. This track can be downloaded for free from www.cadillacweb.com. A full single 'Locomotive' will be released on July 18, with the album 'Magnetic City' to follow on August 8th.<br><p><strong> 10th December 2004<br> </strong>Costar track 'Lee'(as playlisted this week by XFM, and receiving play from Virgin Radio and Radio 1) is available for download for 0.99p from <a href="http://stage.vitaminic.co.uk/costar2" target="_blank" class="body">here</a></p> <p><strong>4th October 2004</strong><br> New band to the roster, The Lost Revue, will release their debut 7-inch single on October 25th, a double-a side, 'The Devil Hit A Hi-Hat Riding' and 'Sell My Ass'.&nbsp; To celebrate, the band will be playing a single launch show on October 11th at The Water Rats, 328 Grays Inn Road, London WC1.<br> Onstage 9,30pm, come along and jive with the underworld!!!</p> <p>To find out more about The Lost Revue, click <a href="http://www.thelostrevue.com" target="_blank" class="body" onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">here.</a><br> A sound clip of both tracks can be found at <a href="http://www.thelostrevue.com" target="_blank" class="body" onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">www.thelostrevue.com</a></p> <p>The band will also be playing the following shows:<br> Oct 21 London Inifinity<br> Nov 5 London Hope &amp; Anchor<br> Nov 11 Brighton Hobgoblin<br> Nov 15 Manchester Roadhouse</p> <p>Costar will be playing a residency at the 12 Bar Club in London on 18 October, 1 November and 15th November.&nbsp; Expect shows either as a solo act or as a full band.&nbsp; The band will also be playing London ULU on November 12th.</p> <p>Reviews of both Ben Gunstone and Costar albums have been added to <a href="review1.html" class="body">here</a>, as have the first reviews of The Lost Revue single. Copies of the Costar album are available <a href="merchandise.html" class="body" onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">here</a><br> Both albums can also be purchased from <a href="http://www.amazon.co.uk" target="_blank" class="body" onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">www.amazon.co.uk</a></p> <p><strong>3rd August 2004</strong><br> Costar album 'Keep It Light' is now out on August 23rd.&nbsp; The band will be playing the following couple of shows:<br> August 4 UK London The Comedy Club, Leicester Square<br> September 2 UK London Rouge, WC2<br> <br> More dates to be announced<br> Check out new Costar reviews <a href="review1.html" class="body" onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">here</a><br> <br> Ben Gunstone releases 'Songs From The Corner Of A Room' on August 23rd.&nbsp; CD will be available to buy from the shop in the next few weeks.&nbsp; Ben will be playing the following shows as an album launch.<br> August 30 UK London Barfly @ The Monarch, Camden Town (early show)<br> August 30 UK London The Spice Of Life, Charing Cross Road</p> <p>Popfiction add a new band to its roster, The Lost Revue.&nbsp; A single will be released on September 13th. More news to follow as soon as.</p> <p><strong>5th June 2004</strong><br> Costar have a nice new website, click <a href="http://www.costarmusic.com" target="_blank" class="body" onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">here</a> to explore<br> To hear Costar MP3's, <a href="audio.html" class="body" onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">click here</a><br> To buy Costar CDs, <a href="merchandise.html" class="body" onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">click here</a><br> To view the first Costar reviews, <a href="review1.html" class="body" onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">click here</a><br> Costar are off to New York to play a show at the Mercury Lounge on June 6th.<br> An appearance at the North By NorthEast festival will follow on June 11th at Rancho Relaxo in Toronto. The next London show is at The Dublin Castle in Camden on June 29th.</p> <p>Ben Gunstone will release his 'Songs From The Corner Of A Room' on July 25th.You can hear an MP3 from the album, if you click <a href="audio.html" class="body" onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">here</a></p> <p>Ben plays the 12 Bar Club in London on June 14th.</p> <p>The Motivators second CD-r is almost complete, MP3's will be on the site shortly.</p> <p><strong>29th March 2004</strong><br> Popfiction are pleased to announce a new artist to its roster. Costar are a London based four-piece. They will release their debut single &quot;Yeah Right&quot; on May 24th, with an album &quot;Keep It Light&quot; to follow on June 7th.<br> To find more about Costar, <a href="costar.html" class="body" onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">go here</a><br> MP3s will be available to hear and download in the next few weeks. You can hear the band in interview and session on Virgin Radio, Sunday 18th April on the Razorcuts show 7-10pm. <a href="http://www.virginradio.co.uk" class="body" onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">www.virginradio.co.uk</a></p> <p>The Motivators will be issuing a second limited edition CD-r of further tracks recorded at The Spitz last year, in the next few weeks.<br> The tracks will be:<br> Playing For You, The Tie That Binds, Break The Chain and Baby I'm Strange. <br> MP3s will be available to stream shortly.</p> <p><strong>26th January 2004</strong><br> The news is that Popfiction announces its first release. 'Live At The Spitz' <br> by The Motivators, a limited edition four-track CDr, only available from this website.<br> <br> For more information on the limited single, <a href="merchandise.html" class="body" onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">go here</a><br> <br> For more information on the Motivators, <a href="motivators.html" class="body" onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">go here</a> The Motivators are currently mixing tracks for their debut album to be released sometime this year, with a single to precede this in April. The band are also in the studio with Morrissey, recording tracks for his forthcoming album to be released in May.<br> <br> Pop Fiction's other signing, Ben Gunstone, has just completed the recording for his third album. The 11 tracks are to be mixed, and an album will see the light of day towards the end of the year. In the meantime, Ben's last album, &quot;Songs From The Corner of a Room', will be made available by us in the Spring.</p> <p>For more information on Ben Gunstone, <a href="bios.html" class="body" onFocus="if(this.blur)this.blur()">go here</a><br> <br> Pop Fiction is currently in negotiation to add a third artist to its roster. More news on this as it comes.</p></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">&nbsp; </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td bgcolor="#FF6600"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> <td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> 2∙ OJQJCJ2щ ╞& 6mд█ I А╖ю%\У2 i4@ё 4NormalCJOJPJQJmH <A@Є б<Default Paragraph FontЦ        2Ъ2Ы2ЬЦGРTimes New Roman5РSymbol3РArial;РHelvetica 0ИЁ╨h┌Kl&┌Kl& Ёе└┤┤А0"Ё  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬ■   ЮЯабвгд■   ж■   ■   ■   ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Root Entry         └FйА1Table            ЭWordDocument        :